Monday, April 4, 2011

Glass Yard Art

Making gorgeous yard art out of garage sale glass is so easy and inexpensive. Not much to it but collecting the perfect pieces and attaching them together.

The most important thing is the glue. I use Clear All - Purpose Silicone Sealant from WalMart in the "caulk-like" tube and a caulking gun. It's pretty much self-explanitory. Just put a generous bead of sealant around the edge of the piece your are attaching, press together and let dry. Just keep sealing and attaching pieces until you get the look you want.

I made a boat-load of these and sold the heck out of them at a local farmers market for $25.00 a piece. I probably had maybe $2.00 total invested in producing them. Good money maker!!!! And they attracted a LOT of attention with people wondering what they were!

Here are photos of just a few of mine to get your imagination flowing!

Aren't they beautiful?

So get to those garage sales and flea markets and snatch up those 25 cent glass peices and build a few of these for your yard!!!!

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